Friday, 4 April 2008

Lord of the Rings in NJ?

For over a decade, a growing number of people have gathered at a Girl Scout camp in the New Jersey woods to play at being elves, dwarves and goblins for the weekend. The group, called LAIRE, or Live Action Interactive Role-playing Explorers, is one of hundreds devoted to "live-action role-playing," or LARPing.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Nubrella...The Umbrella of the Future?

Just love the idea of a "handsfree" umbrella and it does not look half as silly as the hat umbrella.


Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Eco Animations.

The channel "Animal Planet" has teamed up with the makers of Wallace & Gromit to produce a series of 10 short clay animation films that demonstrate how everyone can make a difference by changing to a greener lifestyle.
The series is called Creature Comforts.

This cow is learning about the impact of his own methane gas.

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Ballet Police.

Traffic policemen in a Romanian town have started
taking ballet lessons to make them more graceful.

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Reuse, Recycle. It's a Good Thing.

Outdoor Milky Way Chandelier by Alexander Reh. You can build one also.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

On Love Day...

"Love is something eternal, the aspect
may change, but not the essence."

-Vincent Van Gogh

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Canine Fun.

An Austrian cinema is letting movie-goers take their pet dogs to films with them in a bid to lure more customers.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

She's A Lady.....

Tom Jones,‘ladies man’ senior citizen crooner, felt he needed to insure his hairy chest recently, so he took out a policy with Lloyd’s of London for $6,875,000!

His gold cross really shows off those pecs.

Saturday, 2 February 2008

The Bible in Legos??!!

Yes, someone has created the Bible's Old Testament in Legos....This is amazing....


Tuesday, 29 January 2008

House OK's Economic Package...

Yes, the U.S. House just ok'ed Bush's "Economic Stimulus Package" giving everyone rebates, but not the people that really need them...

Here are a few comments that were posted in response:

"So real, people who need the $600 will put it back into the economy, people who don't need the money, will hang onto it."

"This is called buying your vote for a "lump of coal". Vote 'em all out ....both parties."

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Cost Cutting GPS !

A GPS maker advances development of the navigation gadget. Its newest technology employs real-time gas prices to help users find the cheapest gas station. So consumers can shave dollars off their next gas bill after spending hundreds for the device.

Monday, 14 January 2008

Good News for the "Red Bull" Set...

Caffeinated soap has been launched to help people who don't have the time for both a shower and a coffee in the morning.

Friday, 11 January 2008

Couple find 12K 'cold cash'

JANESVILLE, Wis. -- A Janesville couple are hoping they will be allowed to keep the nearly $12,000 in cash they found in their refrigerator when they moved into an apartment.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

American Green Resolutions.....

Being the fact that these guys are my hommies, I really think this is fantastic news...I have been doing all of the above (below) for years and feel good about doing my part for MotherEarth...We can all make a difference, by just changing how we do things a bit...I use baking soda & lemon to clean or a bio cleaner, I walk, use cloth grocery bags mostly, try not to overconsume & I turn off the damn lights when I leave. Pat me on the back. How hard can it be? Come on people....

49-the percent of Americans who said they intend to make a green resolution for 2008 in a recent national phone survey.

75-said they are "very likely" or "somewhat likely" to reduce their home's energy consumption this year.

74-said they are likely to recycle more.

66-said they are likely to reduce household chemicals.

43-said they are likely to reduce their carbon footprint.

42-said they would carry reusable bags to the grocery store.