Tuesday, 8 January 2008

American Green Resolutions.....

Being the fact that these guys are my hommies, I really think this is fantastic news...I have been doing all of the above (below) for years and feel good about doing my part for MotherEarth...We can all make a difference, by just changing how we do things a bit...I use baking soda & lemon to clean or a bio cleaner, I walk, use cloth grocery bags mostly, try not to overconsume & I turn off the damn lights when I leave. Pat me on the back. How hard can it be? Come on people....

49-the percent of Americans who said they intend to make a green resolution for 2008 in a recent national phone survey.

75-said they are "very likely" or "somewhat likely" to reduce their home's energy consumption this year.

74-said they are likely to recycle more.

66-said they are likely to reduce household chemicals.

43-said they are likely to reduce their carbon footprint.

42-said they would carry reusable bags to the grocery store.

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